I went to see
Spelling Bee the Musical on Saturday. It may be unusual to describe a musical as fun, but it was. It was so hilariously funny that I laughed till my stomach hurt! 4 members of the audience were invited to go up on stage and be a Spelling Bee contestant. They were such good sports! The young boy introduced as having been breast-fed until yesterday and answered with a "thank you", the elderly lady who shyly copied the sexy young emcee's sexy dance...
Tough words were given to the guests one at a time, to kick them out of the contest and off the stage. The elderly lady, the last remaining contestant from the audience, got "guardyloo" (
Scot. used as a warning cry when throwing slops from the window into the street -
courtesy of Answers.com) and spelt it correctly, much to the surprise of the cast who laughed and frantically looked at each other and offstage not knowing what to do. The entire audience was laughing hysterically. After a minute or two, the emcee called on the elderly lady again, and gave her "xenophthalmia" ( inflammation resulting from the presence of a foreign body in the eye - again, courtesy of
Answers.com). Before she even opened her mouth to speak, the "comforter" crept up beside her holding out the consolation prize of a small juice box, waiting to escort her off the stage. She was still given a chance to spell it though and she almost got it right!
The cast was amazing, as was the audience. I had such a good time that I'd go see it again if yesterday weren't the final day. I think my brothers would really enjoy it too.
After a coffee at QVB, A and I caught the train back to her place. We got takeaway pizza and watched a DVD. Thanks for a wonderful day, A!
Today was a lazy, relaxing day. I felt too tired and lazy to go to badminton, so I stayed in my warm bed and read till lunch time. I continued to read after lunch and before I knew it, it was time to get ready to go out for dinner. Met up with a uni friend who I haven't seen in 3 years, and her fiance. The mains were overpriced, but the warm apple tart served with Blue Ribbon ice-cream was delectable.^^