Monday, November 5, 2007

Spring Cleaning

After 2 lazy weekends lost in the wonderfully imaginary world of books, I found myself in one of my cleaning moods on Saturday and decided to make the most of it. I tidied up the growing stack of papers on my desk, packed away my warm turtlenecks and re-stocked my wardrobe (well, my part of the wardrobe) with my summer clothing. A most productive day. The most productive day I've had in weeks. Months even. Though I'm still "trying" to make time to deal with the other clutter which has been gathering dust since the day I went to Japan on exchange several years ago, as well as the additional clutter I have brought back from 3 years of living abroad. Maybe when I move out. *sigh*

After a fierce thunderstorm and heavy rain late Saturday night, Sunday turned out to be a warm sunny day, despite rain being forecasted, for which we were most grateful as it was the day we'd scheduled one of those tri-annual visits to my late grandfather's. After the food and incense offerings, we (ie. the Chan clan) spread open the picnic blankets and enjoyed the food and soaked in the sun.

Sometimes I wish were a bird so that I could fly away. Or had super thick skin. Ooh I wish I had one of Doraemon's magic portals. Someone once pointed out to me that perhaps I was subconsciously trying to run away, which I admit is not completely untrue. But it was not purely "running away". It was truly the experience of a lifetime. I have seen and experienced things I could never have seen or experienced here, met some extraordinary people from across the globe I would not otherwise have met (and whom I miss dearly), and I have (had?) become a more open and more confident person as a result. どうして帰ってきたの?どうして? Every time I ask myself the same question.

The cold, gloomy weather was back today unfortunately, as was my unproductiveness.

Well, I hope you have a good week my friends. And to my Aussie mates: best of luck for the Melbourne Cup!^^

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