The wintery weather has returned. It was cold and raining on & off all week. Even though I walked to and from work every day, I didn't have to take out my umbrella once...lucky!^^
Although the ground was wet & muddy, I'm thankful that it didn't rain during the walk. Thank goodness too that I remembered my hiking boots, which I haven't seen for close to 10 years, and was able to find them at the very last minute.^^
Just after 10am, we met up with the group of about 10 walkers who were waiting for us at Taronga Zoo Wharf and we hit the track without delay. The track from Taronga to Balmoral (photo above) is approximately 6km and meanders along the coast, passing spectular lookouts and several spots of historic interest. We also spotted some interesting native wild flowers of which I unfortunately was not able to capture on camera to show you. Maybe another time, when I'm not with such a big group of people. We stopped at Clifton Gardens for a short break then continued on through what was the Submarine Mining Corps Base in the 1890s, made our way tp to Georges Head which was used as part of an outer line of harbour defences in the 1870s, before finally arriving at good time for lunch! The vege burger and fries were oh so good...mmm...(^-^)
After a brief stroll along the beach enjoying the sea breeze, we caught the bus back to the zoo. By that time, my legs were feeling as heavy as lead...geez I'm so unfit! Though come to think of it, I did play badminton twice last week...Anyway, thanks for a great day (and your tasty muffin with mixed-nut spread), AC, and apologies for dozing off in the car ride home! (-_-)'
More photos here
hey you!
great photos..good you know the kookaburra song?
Thanks mate.^^
And of course I know the kookaburra song! Only the heavens know how many snail-paced repetitions it took to teach the J elementary school kids to sing the whole 4 lines correctly! I must say, it was fun though.(^0^)
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